Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Oh No the "J" Word!

Oh No the "J" Word!
by Joe Lair

The "J" word has a bad rap and I was one of the most violent "Rappers" on that word you could imagine. The anger I felt was harsh and I even got kicked out of my church, private school, and a public school growing up because of the confrontations I had with people just saying Jesus's name.

I hated that name and whenever anyone said that name around me I reacted violently. Why? I have lots of opinions and that's not for here right now. I've since resolved all my issues with that.

I sit in recovery rooms and I listen to lots of people share about "Their" beliefs and what they name as their "Higher Power" and I'm excited for them. They're on the road! They're not active right then in their addiction. At that moment in time addiction is beaten and they have a new out look on life. That ROCKS!

I've sat in meetings where people shared about their beliefs and the beliefs they had were in direct opposition to what I believe. Some of those meetings scared me to death and I left them when I figured out what they believed. One meeting was a group of white supremacists. I've sat in meetings where there were practicing Satanists, Druids, and lots of other things. One group I found when I desperately needed a meeting was for Lesbians only, they let me in, opened the meeting and loved me for one hour.

I've listened to people share as they shared and the group around me nodded their heads. I've been shocked by people as they ranted about how they felt and no one spoke up. I've been saddened as I watched people "Dump" their stuff and leave early. I've been hurt as others share their feelings and watch as people be mean to them when they don't listen to them.

I've shared in meetings about my faith and what I believe and I've been beat down more times than I can say. When I share about Jesus and how I believe, people react and its usually negative. I've had people walk out or they start to fidget, or side talk.

Personally I don't really care anymore. I've been in recovery long enough now to know things change. Things come and go as time moves along. That's the single greatest thing about life. Things change.

The "J" word brings with it all that goes with it and I understand the gamut that goes with Jesus. I also understand the impact that other beliefs have had on me and I only want the same allotted time for what I believe. Be fair as others share about their belief where Jesus is concerned. Let them grow in faith and grace as you grow in faith and grace.

I pray for this site as we move along the road we're on. Love and tolerance need to win out. We need to embrace each other as we move along. We don't need to revisit the old feuds we need to embrace our kindred as each of us move through life.

Anger, resentment and a closed mind are traps that addiction tosses at us so nothing new creeps in. To quote Tina Turner, "What's love got to do with it?"



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